1. FILExt
        since 2000

        Opening an OUT File

        OUTFile Extension OUTFile extension: OUT
        File type: Outlines or Output File

        What is an OUT file?

        The OUT file type is primarily associated with Outlines or Output File.Several programs use this extension for outlines or output. The contents depends on the program involved and can be simple ASCII or complicated binary data.

        How do you open an OUT file?

        You need a suitable software like Outlines or Output File to open an OUT file.Without proper software you will receive a Windows message "How do you want to open this file?" (Windows 10) or "Windows cannot open this file" (Windows 7) or a similar Mac/iPhone/Android alert. If you cannot open your OUT file correctly, try to right-click or long-press the file. Then click "Open with" and choose an application.

        Programs that open and convert OUT files:

        1. Outlines or Output File
          See the previous paragraphs to learn more about the main application.
        2. 3WayPack by The Three-Mode Company
          The Three-Mode Company is a company devoted to creating three-mode software and promoting three-mode data analysis. File extension of an ASCII (or text) output file generated by 3WayPack, an advanced statistical package for three-mode data analysis. These files can be read with Notepad, Wordpad, and similar standard editors.
        3. MyInfo (Documnet/Outline) by Milenix Software
          Personal Information Manager. Output file. Also uses .BAK for backup.
        4. NEi Nastran (Tabular Output File) by Noran Engineering, Inc.
          NEi Nastran design simulation and virtual prototyping Mechanical Engineering Software products allow companies to reduce product development costs and improve time-to-market.
        5. NovaBACKUP (Backup Set) by NovaStor Corporation
          The naming convention for .OUT files is the original file name, underscore and the sequence number of the file. For example, FILE_002.OUT is the second .OUT file for a backup in which the first file was named FILE.OUT.
        6. OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Outbound Messages
        7. Pro/ENGINEER (Temporary File) by PTC
          Pro/ENGINEER is a 3D product design product, featuring productivity tools that promote best practices in design while ensuring compliance with your industry and company standards. These files appear and disappear at various times when using Pro/ENGINEER. They are part of what PTC collectively calls "turd" files and the display of them in the program can be turned off in the options.
        8. PSpice (Output File) by Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
          PSpice is a SPICE analog circuit and digital logic simulation software that runs on personal computers (thus the first letter P in its name). It was developed by MicroSim and used in electronic design automation. MicroSim was bought by OrCAD which was subsequently purchased by Cadence Design Systems. The name is an acronym for Personal Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis. Today it has evolved into a analog mixed signal simulator. This association is classified as Text. This association is classified as Text.
        9. PSS/E by siemens
          PSS®E is the premier software tool used by electrical transmission participants world-wide. The probabilistic analyses and advanced dynamics modeling capabilities included in PSS®E provide transmission planning and operations engineers a broad range of methodologies for use in the design and operation of reliable networks. PSS®E is the standard Siemens offering for electrical transmission analysis that continues to be the technology of choice in an ever-growing market that exceeds 115 countries. This association is classified as Database. The Mime types used with this association are: Power Flow data. This association is classified as Database.
        10. Wireshark (Traffic Log) by Gerald Combs
          Wireshark is a free packet sniffer computer application. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education. In June 2006 the project was renamed from Ethereal due to trademark issues. This association is classified as Text. The identifying characters used for this association are - Hex: 46 72 61 6D 65 20, ASCII: Frame This association is classified as Text. Related links: Wikipedia Wireshark Page

        Online OUT Text Viewer

        Choose your .OUT file to analyze

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        Technical Data for OUT File Extension

        The following listing is compiled from the database produced by the 'Associate This!' program, selected data from the main FILExt database and file extension information submitted by users.

        ProgramID: OrCADPSpiceAD10.0.0.out
        EXEFile: C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_10.0_Demo\tools\Capture\capture.exe /dde

        ProgramID: WinPress
        EXEFile: C:\arcgis\arcexe9x\bin\WinPress.exe %1

        ProgramID: TextFileType

        ProgramID: SDDocuments.TextDocument.1
        EXEFile: %ProgramFiles%\Accelrys\MS Modeling 3.2\Studio\MatStudio.exe

        ProgramID: OrCADPSpiceAD10.5.0.out
        EXEFile: C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_10.5_Demo\tools\Capture\capture.exe /dde

        ProgramID: WinPress
        EXEFile: %ProgramFiles%\ArcGIS\arcexe9x\bin\WinPress.exe %1

        ProgramID: OrCADPSpiceADLE9.20.out
        EXEFile: %ProgramFiles%\OrcadLite\Capture\capture.exe

        ProgramID: outFile
        EXEFile: %SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE

        an OUT Outlines or Output File is a special file format and should only be edited and saved with the appropriate software.

        How to solve problems with OUT files

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